Booking Through Thursday: School Books

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Booking Through Thursday asks a random question to bloggers each week.  This week’s question:

We all had to read things in school that we didn’t like … but what about something you read for a class that you ended up liking (or loving)? An author you discovered that you might not have found? A genre you hadn’t thought about?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.   I absolutely love mythology in all cultures and the Greek myths are so colorful and full of drama.  I also like how dark some of the tales are.  No guaranteed HEAs in Greek myths.

By Lizzy's Dark Fiction Posted in Default

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: Focus by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2) by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Focus is expected to be released January 2013.  You can check it out on Goodreads.

Overall Thoughts:

Hocus, Pocus, Focus.  Witches and weather.  I like how this cover focuses on her isolation, instead of romance like the first cover.  I’m not quite sure there’s much snow in New Orleans, but I suppose if it does…it is because hell froze over.

Compare to First Cover:


Freshman year of college is hard even when you’re not tied to the future king of a supernatural society.

 Allie dives into college head first with Hailey as her roommate and the city of New Orleans as her backyard. As things within  The Society heat up, Allie realizes that whether she’s with Levi or not, she’s in far too deep to turn back.

Author Bio:

Alyssa Rose Ivy lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. 


The author is giving away

  • 1 paperback copy of Flight (The Crescent Chronicles #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy – US Only
  • 1 ebook of Flight (The Crescent Chronicles, #1) – (international)

ENTER the giveaway!