NaNoWriMo and more

I must be absolutely insane, but I am going to try to tackle NaNoWritMo for the 2nd year in a row.  I did complete it last year (although the writing was mostly rubbish).  I’m pretty sure that I won’t hit the magic number of 50k words, but I’ll be happy with half.

Lizzy’s Dark Fiction will still be operating normally with plenty of giveaways, guest posts, and reviews for the month of November.  I’ll probably post an update on my Nano progress every now or then, but otherwise it will be in the background.  I know you guys rather read posts about “published” authors and not the 500 words of crap I wrote using Write or Die.

As a reminder, the blog will be relocating on the first of November.  You should be automatically redirected upon visiting this address; I’m trying to make the transition as seamless as possible.  Everything should transfer.  If you follow by WordPress, please consider signing up by email, facebook, or twitter to stay up to date with future posts.

And a warning, I am moving sometime within the next two months.  Packing is 60% done already, but I don’t know the exact move date.  I’m hoping that it doesn’t interfere with any scheduled posts, but you never know with these things.

Anyone else participating in NaNoWritMo?